AICD Borovansky Syllabus Scholarships
Each year the AICD awards monetary scholarships to examination candidates of the Borovansky Syllabus; Grade 6 – Advanced 1.
Eligibility is limited to students attaining a high Honours examination result in their respective levels.
State based Scholarships
The state based scholarships for the Borovansky syllabus is an initiative that connects the generations by; honouring the teachers from the past, acknowledging those currently teaching the syllabus, and encouraging the students who may carry on the tradition into the future.
The concept of awarding a state based scholarship for Borovansky examinations is not a new concept, Western Australia has been doing it for years with the Kira Bousloff Award. However, the AICD has now incorporated this type of Award into other states.
The scholarship is for a Grade 5 examination candidate of the Borovansky syllabus who is selected by the examiner because of their outstanding technique, artistry and future potential.
Each state scholarship is named after a person who trained with the Borovanskys, worked with the Borovansky Ballet Company, contributed to the development of the syllabus and/or was a noted teacher of the method.
New South Wales: Edna Busse O.A.M Award; named after famed Borovansky student, ballerina, teacher, major contributor to the original syllabus and noted teacher of the Borovansky method. Founder of Inland Ballet.
Queensland: Charles Lisner O.B.E. Award; named after former Borovansky student, dancer with the Borovansky Company and teacher and founder of Queensland Ballet.
South Australia: Maxwell Collis Award; named after former Borovansky student, dancer with the Borovansky company, teacher and choreographer. Founder/Artistic Director of the South Australian Ballet Theatre.
Tasmania: Kenneth Gillespie Award; named after former Borovansky student, dancer with the Borovansky company, teacher and choreographer. Founder of Tasmanian Ballet Company/Tasdance.
Victoria: Madame Lija Svalbe Award; named after dancer, teacher, student of the Borovansky Academy, contributor to the original syllabus and noted teacher of the Borovansky method.
Western Australia: Kira Bousloff O.A.M. Award; named after dancer, teacher at the Borovansky Academy, contributor to the original syllabus and noted teacher of the Borovansky method. Founder of WA Ballet.
Garth Welch Award
This award is for male examination candidates in the Borovansky Syllabus who are considered by an examiner to show great potential and a positive attitude.
Nominations are made by examiners and it is awarded at the discretion of the National Committee. This is an Australia wide award.
Teachers Award
This award is available only to AICD registered teachers of the Borovansky Syllabus and is awarded upon nomination and at the discretion of the National Committee. This award covers accommodation and flights to Melbourne for a week of observing classes at The Australian Ballet School. The availability of this award is in conjunction with the Director of The Australian Ballet School.
This is one of the most prestigious teacher scholarships known in the Australian dance industry.